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For over 60 years, Corzan® Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Ducting, Tower Packings, Sheet and Lining have provided reliable and durable industrial systems to meet the demands of harsh environments and rigorous processing applications.


For over 60 years, Corzan® Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Ducting, Tower Packings, Sheet and Lining have provided reliable and durable industrial systems to meet the demands of harsh environments and rigorous processing applications.

The Pioneer in CPVC Piping Technology

In 1959, Lubrizol® Corporation developed Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) as a tough, reliable material for the production of pipes and fittings. The quick installation, long-term durability, corrosion and higher temperature resistance quickly saw Corzan® CPVC Industrial Piping Systems accelerate in popularity.

Today, we are trusted by processing plants around the world, to deliver a problem-free, long-lasting system that is easy to install and requires little-to-no maintenance rates.

The more you know about materials available to you and how Corzan® CPVC performs in harsh environments, ensures lower life-cycle costs, reduced downtime and greater value, the more likely you are to choose Corzan® Industrial Piping Systems for your projects.

Why is CPVC suited for industrial piping applications?

Corzan® Industrial Systems consistently meet the demands of high-temperature and highly-corrosive environments. Depending on your application requirements, it can represent a more cost effective alternative to high cost polymers design engineers might habitually specify out of lack of knowledge about the performance capabilities of Corzan® CPVC.

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Ready to Get Started?

Contact us for a free process suitability and technical consultation. We want to make sure you get the localized support and information you need to take your project from blueprint to completion.

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