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Corzan® CPVC
Pipe, Valves & Fittings

Choose Corzan® CPVC Pipe, Valves & Fittings for a longer service life, lower maintenance costs and reduced downtime.

Corzan® CPVC
Pipe, Valves & Fittings

Choose Corzan® CPVC Pipe, Valves & Fittings for a longer service life, lower maintenance costs and reduced downtime.

Manufactured from durable Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC), Corzan® Industrial Systems offer industries:

  • Superior resistance to corrosive chemicals.
  • Exceptional durability even in high temperatures.
  • First-rate performance under elevated pressures.
Corzan® CPVC Actual Usage Range Vs. Perceived Usable Range

With its proven long-term performance, Corzan® pipe and fittings can stand up in even the toughest process environments.

Corzan Pipe _ Fittings Usable Range
Corzan® Industrial Systems in Industrial Applications

Corzan® CPVC, when installed following recommended processes, provide longevity, sustainability and dependability for the following industrial applications:

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us for a free process suitability and technical consultation. We want to make sure you get the localized support and information you need to take your project from blueprint to completion.

Request a consultation