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CORZAN® CPVC 배관재료의기본물리적성질

Corzan® 파이프및피팅은고도로설계된 Corzan CPVC 화합물에서압출/사출처리됩니다.

우리화합 원료는염화반응에노출된 PVC 동질화합물입니다. 그결과,수지는가공할수있도록첨가물과혼합되어재료고유의특성을강화하게 됩니다.

우리의혁신적인합성과품질에대한관심은Corzan CPVC를금속또는비금속산업배관재료중가장신뢰할수있는재료중하나로만들었습니다.



다음과같은기본적인물리적성질은모든 Corzan CPVC 원료의표준입니다.


인장강도(Tensile Strength)

Corzan CPVC Piping Tensile Strength


인장탄성율 (Tensile Modulus)

Corzan CPVC Piping Tensile Modulus


굽힘강도 (Flexural Strength)

Corzan CPVC Piping Flexural Strength 


굴곡탄성율(Flexural Modulus ) 

Corzan CPVC Piping Flexural Modulus 


압축강도 (Compressive Strength)

Corzan CPVC Piping Compressive Strength 


압축탄성율 (Compressive Modulus)

Corzan CPVC Piping Compressive Modulus 



(Notched Izod Impact)

Corzan CPVC Piping Notched Izod Impact


비열(Specific Heat )

Corzan CPVC Piping Specific Heat


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Thermal Expansion Calculator

With the Corzan® CPVC Pipe Expansion Calculator, account for Corzan CPVC's linear expansion and design around compression stress concerns.

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Corzan® CPVC Chemical Resistance Table

Curious if Corzan® CPVC can stand up to the demands of your chemical processes? This table lists Corzan CPVC’s compatibility with more than 400 chemicals and compounds.

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